Dragoons of Peter I

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1/72 Scale Model Kit
During the 17th and 18th Centuries, the title “Dragoon” referred to mounted infantry, trained in horsemanship and infantry fighting drill. Most European armies had regiments of these troops, which would use their horses to move quickly across the battlefield, then dismount to fight as infantry.
In Russia during this era, there were as many as 33 Dragoon regiments, which were capable of fighting both mounted and dismounted. The most famous battle that involved Russian Dragoons was in the Battle of Lesnaya Village. The First Corps (called “Corps Volant” or “Flying Corps”) conducted a rapid action over a long distance, and intercepted the Swedish forces under the command of Loewenhaupt. The Russians defeated the Swedish troops, despite being outnumbered.
In a later engagement, the Battle of Poltava, the Russian Dragoons successfully withstood a Swedish cavalry charge at the beginning of the battle, and overwhelmed the Swedish cavalry on the flanks at the decisive stage of the battle.
This model kit depicts Russian Dragoons from the period of Peter I (1701-1721) in both mounted and dismounted positions, armed with weapons typical for the period.
This kit includes ten unpainted plastic model mounted soldiers and nine unpainted plastic model dismounted soldiers

Набор из 10 неокрашенных конных и 9 пеших солдатиков.
4 отливки.
Драгун, Майор, Знаменосец, Прапорщик и Барабанщик.
Драгуны Петра успешно воевали как в конном, так и в пешем строю. Число драгунских полков достигло 33. Пик славы драгун Петра I приходится на битву при деревне Лесной, когда состоящий в основном из драгун Корволант стремительным маневром на большое расстояние перехватил шведский корпус Левенгаупта и в решительном бою разгромил его, не смотря на численное превосходство шведов. В битве при Полтаве драгуны успешно противостояли шведской коннице в начале сражения, в бою на линии редутов, а в решающей фазе сражения драгунские полки опрокинули шведскую конницу на флангах.

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