Lumberjacks Studio

Shaped for the past 30 years by the constant evolution of gaming, the lumberjacks, Antoine, Cécil and Xavier attempt to bring their contributions in the flourishing world of game publishing.

We managed 2 Kickstarters with Gob'z'heroes, which made us, and Living Planet.
We have released 10 classic distribution games in France, including La Petite Mort, with nearly 20,000 games sold.

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New Miniatures from Lumberjacks Studio

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Crowd Funding Projects from Lumberjacks Studio

THE LANDS OF ARRAN - Elves & Dwarves KS Exclusive Miniatures
"One-Shot" campaign for 54mm scale KS Exclusive Miniatures from the universe of Elves and Dwarves of the Lands of Arran.

Miniature, 54mm
January 2018, France, France, FR
A Board Game clash where Gob'z try to be heroes...\n...everything is allowed, including the most ludicrous attacks...!!
Setting: Fantasy
Boardgame, Miniature, 28mm
January 2016, France, France, FR

History of Lumberjacks Studio logo

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