Septus Durios - 3D Printable Miniatures – Stl File

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Septus Durios - 3D Printable Miniatures – STL file


Septus Durios is one of the most influential senators of the Realm of Eros serving as the “First Servant of the City”. He is a member of the conservative faction in the Senate, just like his father and grandfather before him. Septus also has an older brother named Orichos, who also serves in the senate as archon of the waterworks.

Included in this package

  • One 3D-printable 28MM miniature of Septus Durios on a round base.
  • One 3D-printable 28MM miniature of Septus Durios on a round base presupported.
  • One 3D-printable 28MM miniature of Septus Durios without a base.
  • One 3D-printable 28MM miniature of Septus Durios without a base presupported.
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