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Elsbeth was born from her mother's armpit. So the settlement always said she never knew the way. Breathlessly struggling to keep up with the others as they journeyed through the gloom.

Often her directionless senses leaves her in peril, but occasionally a glint of opportunity is found lost in the gloom alongside her.

Art : Lokman Lam

Sculpture: Jonah Gilbert

Elsbeth is packaged in a graphic box that includes:

  • 1 x Elsbeth hard plastic miniature
  • 1 x Hard plastic Kingdom Death 30mm base and insert
  • 1 x The Lost Echo character card
  • 1 x Install guide
  • 1 x Large matte art print

Price does not include VAT or local taxes for regions outside of the United States. For international customers, please note that we are not responsible for any import duties, handling/processing fees from parcel carriers, or customs charges. Any such fees incurred to receive your package are not covered by us. Please consult your country’s customs policy for more information.

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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