Drake Riftwalker (Raid At The Temple Of Ifrit)

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This set contains:

- 1 Highly Detailed Drake Riftwalker.
- 1 Custom Base.


*All STLs are professionally supported, and an unsupported version is also included.
*All characters come with modular wrists-balljoints system, so you can customize your models and choose from various weapons and hands to make your perfect hero, warband, guild or RPG encounter.



Drake Riftwalker
"Among the flames, I see not just danger, but opportunity – the chance to claim my destiny."

Drake, a dexterous and charming rogue, considers himself a seasoned plane pirate, navigating the treacherous sands of the City of Intrigues, ruled by Devil Baal. His elegant movements with his rapier belie his years of experience surviving in a city of endless corruption and deceit. With a cocky demeanor and a trusty partner in Aurora Darkember by his side, Drake's daring plan unfolds: to challenge Ifrit, Monarch of Flames, and claim his Fire Gem, binding Ifrit to serve the bringer of the gem and selling the fiery monarch to the highest bidder.

His plan was born unexpectedly when he and Aurora stumbled upon a mysterious portal in a dusty ruin below Setrek, that lead to the Plane of Fire, few miles away from the majestic Temple. Driven by his thirst for adventure and riches, Drake seized the opportunity, knowing that the fiery depths of Ifrit's domain held untold treasures and dangers. His confidence never wavers, even in the face of the fiery trials that await him, as he leads his companions deeper into the heart of the temple.

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