The Fellowship of the Ring - The Best of White Dwarf Magazine

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The Fellowship of the Ring: The Best of White Dwarf Magazine is a collection of articles, originally published in various issues of White Dwarf, concerned with Games Workshop's The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game.

Designer's Notes for the game, rules for Sauron.
Battle reports for Orcs Attack, Balin's Tomb and Amon Hen.
Scenarios for Sauron Unleashed and 2-part Amon Hen.
Scenery guides for a gaming board, Balin's Tomb, the Bridge at Khazad-Dûm and Amon Hen.
Painting Guides for Sauron, MoGs, High Elves, Moria Goblins, Mordor Orcs, Wood *Elves, Legolas, Gimli, the Hobbits, Aragorn, Boromir, Elrond, Gil-Galad, Elendil, Isildur, Lurtz, Cave Troll, Kings of Men, Twilight Ringwraiths, Ringwraiths, Mounted Ringwraiths, and The Balrog.

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Sources of information: White Dwarf 272 August 2002 UK Edition page 5

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