White Dwarf Issue 87

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The Exiled One lands in White Dwarf!

White Dwarf 87 and arrives and with it Skarbrand, outcast of Khorne, embodiment of rage and – perhaps – mightiest amongst the Bloodthirsters. How came this paragon of bloodshed to offend his god and yet serve him still? We’ve got the lowdown, including everything you could possibly want to know about this great new kit in New Releases, Codex: Apocrypha delving deeper into his bloody past, and a Paint Splatter and full rules (for both Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000!) to boot! Not only that, but we’ve got a cracking Warhammer Age of Sigmar Parade Ground, Armies on Parade and still yet more in The Week in White Dwarf. Get one now, or earn Khorne’s unending fury.

White Dwarf is available in two editions, designed to provide the best reading experience on mobile phones and tablets. But you don’t have to choose – buying your digital White Dwarf will allow you to download both versions, so you’ll always be able to have the right edition on your device.

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