Iron Hills Dwarf Army

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The Dwarves of the Iron Hills will follow their lord without question into battle. Their unbending resolve and will to fight drives them forwards against unassailable odds. Many Dwarves are equipped with huge mattocks or crossbows, whilst others are armed with long spears and broad shields; these Dwarves are highly trained in the art of forming a nigh-impenetrable shieldwall. Just as with Dwarven armour, no weakness is permitted in the army of the Iron Hills, and so the Dwarves of Dain's army are the finest of their kind.

Collect an entire Iron Hills Dwarves army in a single click with this massive bundle of resin miniatures. You’ll receive:

- Dain Ironfoot, Lord of Iron Hills, the cousin to Thorin Oakenshield™ and the lord of the Dwarven stronghold in the Iron Hills. This kit makes two models: Dain Ironfoot on foot and Dain Ironfoot mounted on his War Boar. Each model wears heavy Dwarf armour and wields a two-handed hammer. A 40mm round base and a 25mm round base are included;

- an Iron Hills Ballista, large bolt-firing weapon capable of causing massive devastation, complete with 4 Dwarf crew and 4 25mm round bases;

- a set of Iron Hills Goat Riders, 3 models with three war spears – one for each rider – with the option for one model to exchange this for an included mattock. This kit comes as 22 components with 3 40m round bases;

- a set of Iron Hills Dwarf Warriors, each armed with a spear and presented in a unique pose, supplied with 12 25mm round bases;

- 2 sets of Iron Hills Dwarves With Mattocks, 6 models in 6 components, with 6 25mm round bases;

- a set of Iron Hills Dwarves With Spears, 3 models in 11 components, who can be modelled with or without the included shields. Supplied with 3 25mm round bases;

- an Iron Hills Dwarf Command – this is a Captain and a Dwarf With Banner, with an extra shield for the banner bearer. 2 25mm round bases are included;

- an Iron Hills Chariot, with a Captain who can optionally replace the driver; this is an 83-component kit with a 170x105mm oval base;

- 2 sets of Iron Hills Dwarves with Crossbows, 6 models with powerful underslung weapons in 9 components, with 6 25mm round bases;

- and a set of Iron Hills Dwarf Command With Mattocks, containing 1 Iron Hills Dwarf Captain with Mattock and 1 Iron Hills Dwarf with Banner and Sword. 2 25mm round bases are included.

Rules for using these models can be found in The Hobbit: There and Back Again.

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