QDS - Quick Dungeon System Series 1
Brick & Mortar Dungeon! This terrain can be played off any direction, is even double sided and can even be stacked! Non-traditional walls as the edge of the tile is the wall, unless you set anohter tile next to it. Very easy to use and most chambers tiles can be played as an encounter. Set each tile down one at a time fog of war style or build the entire dungeon before the adventuers show up.
† Includes †
- 7.5″ Chambers
- 6.5″ Chambers
- 5.5″ Chambers
- 4.5″ Chambers
- 3.5″ Chambers
- Corridors
- Grates
- 6″ Pools
- Prison Cells
- Stairs
- Doors
- Accessories
We also have a Cave version - QCS so be sure to check that out.