Hayagreeva With Goddess Lakshmi

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This exquisite representation features Lord Hayagreeva, an avatar of Lord Vishnu, renowned as the God of Education, in his majestic form with a horse's head, seated on a celestial throne. A protective serpent hood forms an arch above, symbolizing the eternal protection of divine knowledge.
Intricately detailed, Lord Hayagreeva is depicted with four hands, each symbolizing aspects of his divine power and wisdom. The top right hand gracefully holds the Sudarshana Chakra, a symbol of the universal mind and destruction of ignorance. The top left hand clasps the Panchajanya Shankha, denoting the origin of existence and the dissemination of the divine sound. The lower right hand is poised in the Abhaya Mudra, offering reassurance and safety to devotees, signifying fearlessness and protection. Meanwhile, the lower left hand cradles the holy scriptures, underscoring Hayagreeva's role as the preserver and disseminator of knowledge.
Beside him, Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of wealth, fortune, and beauty, is depicted in serene elegance, sitting on Lord Hayagreeva's left thigh. Her presence alongside Lord Hayagreeva symbolizes the inseparable bond between knowledge and prosperity, illustrating the holistic vision of divine blessings.

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