Hildegard von Königsmark Hildegard

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A master of control.
Hildegard has 2 weapon options:
blunderbuss and sniper rifle.


• 28mm scale
• Fits into a regular unit on a square 20mm base (included)
• White metal
• 29mm from floor to eyes
• Motto (on the back of her coat): Die Götter würfeln nicht
  Suggested by D. Tornier (Germany), who wrote: It means: "The gods do not roll dice; a variation of Einstein's quote about his disdain for the inherent randomness of quantum mechanics; I assumed the middle sister is the engineer/sniper of the trio…"
  He added: "It is her firm conviction that there is no randomness or uncertainty to either the rules that govern this universe or her unerring aim. Ultimately everything, from the trajectory of a cannon ball to even the ebb and flow of the astral winds, can be calculated and likewise any enemy who finds himself in the sights of her skillfully designed rifle are already dead."


Designed by Benoit Guerville, Mireille Frenette and Jean-Romain Barrau. Sculpted by Benoit Guerville and Jean-Romain Barrau.

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