The Russian Napoleonic army underwent massive organisational changes in 1805, and the revamping of the artillery arm was a vital part of this as it was considered the most important branch of the Russian army at the time.
Count ArakcheyevǃÙs reforms had led to a standardisation of gun types so the army could rely upon a uniform selection of 6-pounder and 12-pounder guns and the 10-pounder and 20-pounder Licornes. In conjunction with the Karbanov gun sight (the most advanced of its time) Russian artillery was a match for any enemy.
The 6-pounder became the standard gun for light artillery batteries from 1805, and was used to deadly effect by their very capable crews. Stout and resolute, the gunners would fight ferociously if their precious guns were threatened.
Contains 1 Metal gun and 4 crew.
Supplied unpainted