Nyarran Maid Cavaliers

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Where many of Nyarra's nobles maintain a host of professional soldiery in their devoted Maid-at-Arms, serving as guardians to their realms, public servants, and personal attendants whenever they are not mustered to war, such forces are needfully suplemented by the aid of regiments of swift, terrifyingly brutal cavalieers that hone their craft as riders, often as scouts, messengers, and escorts. While the mighty Korokoros are a staple across the Principality's livestock and beasts of burden and while one may be kept as a noble's personal steed, it takes a great measure of wealth to maintain a flock suitable to provide mounts for a regiment of their devoted maids. Such cavalry units are dreadful to witness, either as armored spearheads crashing into flanks with the fury of spear-tipped lances and razor-sharp talons or as swift, mobile ranged support sporting the Nyarran's finely crafted rifles or pistols to bring a rain of lead and smoke.

This kit provides an assortment of pieces to make Korokoro-mounted maid cavaliers equipped with a variety of ranged and melee weapons. These models are quite fine and it is highly suggested to print in abs-like resin.

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