APOCALYPSE RUINS - Modular gaming ruins for Wargames and RPG

APOCALYPSE RUINS - Modular gaming ruins for Wargames and RPG
APOCALYPSE is a 3D printable terrain collection for 28mm-15mm table top gaming. Featuring Stone Ruins, Sci-fi and WW2 options
Setting: Sci-fi, 28mm
May 2016, Wellington, NZ, NZ
Here is only preview of the project. See full info, rewards and updates on main project page.
Project start: 26 May 2016
Project end: 27 June 2016
Last update: 17 February 2017
Next update: ~ Never (we think)

Last project rescan: 5 лет 6 месяцев назад. Project finalized (freezed).


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