Hagen Miniatures

We are model makers, collectors, painters, players, freaks and dreamers, just like you. We think that makes us different from our competitors. We do not develop expensive models or figures, we can sell for a high price and complain about the cost and the time spent.

No, many of our products, we made on customer request - or for ourselves, but sometimes it can be a weird topic! :-)))

We think that is exactly what makes the appeal of our common hobbies, namely that there is always something new and that may sometimes be apart from the mainstream. Likewise, we have probably proven well in recent years, that good quality does not necessarily have to be expensive – this is the story customers heard in the past from other manufactors - but many people already know it better today.

Our experience in development, sculpting, modelling, mold making as well as production in tin and resin dates back to 1989. It is not an exaggeration to say, that in this time we have seen many suppliers (who thought they reinvented the wheel) come an go.

We are still here and the plan is to stay for a very long time! Today we are the largest European supplier in scope and diversity for 1:72 scale and we want to extend this leading position also in other areas in the future.

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