Eavy Metal Masterclass: Space Marine Librarian

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Within the hallowed halls of the Librarium reside the Space Marine Librarians, powerful psykers able to bend the Warp to their will and tear their foes apart with their minds. Clad in ornate power armour and wielding eldritch force weapons they are the warrior-mystics of the Adeptus Astartes, as deadly with their thoughts as they are with blade or bolter. The Space Marines Librarian model captures the essence of this powerful battlefield character, incorporating the intricate trappings of the Librarium, a skull-tipped force staff and robed covered power armour.

The Space Marine Librarian is a stunning model and a great addition to any Space Marines collection. ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass is the most detailed painting guide we've done yet, and goes into lavish detail on how to paint up your Librarian to ‘Eavy Metal standards. Each step and stage in the process is laid out in easy to follow detail, plus a host of top tips to help you along the way, allowing you to create a magnificence finished model to be proud of. 

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