Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan Carapace Warp Missile Rack

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The warp missile is one of the rarest and most powerful munitions available to Reaver Titan Princeps. Mounted atop the god-machine's carapace, the warp missile can be fired just once. Equipped with a miniature warp engine like those on starships, when fired it briefly enters the warp and emerges within an enemy Titan's shields, causing devasting damage.

A warp missile support rack is a powerful addition to your Reaver Titans, giving them a one-shot weapon that bypasses shields. The attack has a strong chance of removing multiple structure points, or even causing critical damage to an otherwise well-defended enemy.

This resin kit builds one warp missile rack that is compatible with the plastic Reaver Battle Titan. It includes a fitting for a magnet, allowing you to swap it out for other carapace weapons.

To make use of this kit, you need a plastic Reaver Battle Titan. Rules for the warp missile can be found in the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Rules Set.

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