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Arbiter Miniatures

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Crowd Funding Projects from Arbiter Miniatures
Arbiter Miniatures Kickstarter 8: Hellgate
Epic 3D Printable STL Miniatures with super easy to remove professional pre-supports AND a full RPG adventure based on the miniatures!
3d print
February 2023, Føllenslev, Denmark
February 2023, Føllenslev, Denmark
Arbiter Miniatures Kickstarter 7: The Dwarven Lords
Supportless miniatures for resin and fdm 3d printing.
November 2022, Føllenslev, Denmark
Arbiter Miniatures Kickstarter 6: The Ork Horde
Supportless miniatures for resin and fdm 3d printing.
August 2022, Føllenslev, Denmark
Arbiter Miniatures Kickstarter 5: Legion of the Undead Part2
Supportless miniatures for resin and fdm 3d printing.
Setting: Fantasy
March 2022, Føllenslev, Denmark
March 2022, Føllenslev, Denmark
Members opinions about company Arbiter Miniatures
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