Plague Outbreak Bundle

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The revolting, shambling ranks of the Plague stumble from the shadows to consume and infect all those they come into contact with. If a higher intelligence guides them, its motives are unclear, but their progress is all but unstoppable.


This set contains everything you need get started with the Plague in Deadzone, including:

  • 15 Hard Plastic Plague Zombies
  • 15 Hard Plastic Plague 3rd Gen Troopers
  • Rifles
  • Optional Flamethrowers, Grenade Launchers, Mortars, Pistols, and Knives
  • 3 Hard Plastic Plague Hounds
  • 1 Plastic Plague Swarm
  • 2 Plastic Plague 3rd Gen Trooper with Mortar/li>
  • 1 Plastic Plague Teraton
  • 1 Plastic Plague Aberration
  • 6 Plastic Plague 2nd Gen Leapers
  • 1 Plastic 1st Gen Mutant
  • Mantic Points

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted. Requires super glue. Requires the Deadzone 2nd Edition Rulebook to play.

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