Legion of Everblight Command Hardcover Hordes Privateer

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PIP1095 Legion of Everblight Command Hardcover Hordes Privateer Press

Hailing from the frozen northern wastes, the Legion of Everblight represents many different races gathered and corrupted by the insidious power of the dragon Everblight. Led by preternaturally potent warlocks, each of whom holds within her breast a shard of the dragons own essence, endless ranks of blighted Nyss and Ogrun march forth to spread the dragons corruption to the farthest reaches of Immoren and beyond. This formidable army is backed by twisted and terrifying dragonspawn born from the very blood of Everblights generals and shaped by his own nightmarish imagination.

Forces of HORDES: Legion of Everblight Command provides the foundation you need to unleash the destructive will of the dragon upon your foes with:

Complete rules and profiles for the blighted warlocks and terrible warbeasts of the Legion of Everblight, including two new warlocks and a new character warbeast

Detailed history and background information, including an in-depth look at Legion warlocks and warbeasts

A painting guide full of tips and inspiration to help you create an army as individual as you are

Three new theme forces that allow you to create specialized Legion of Everblight armies with specific benefits

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