Bears Head Miniatures
Showing 8 cfp
Crowd Funding Projects from Bears Head Miniatures
Bears Head Miniatures - Fantasy Series 2
by Philip Hynes
A selection of Fantasy Miniatures for gaming and collecting.
Setting: Fantasy
August 2020, Penarth, UK
August 2020, Penarth, UK
Bears Head Minis & The Pickled Dragon - Monstrous Lexicon 1
by Philip Hynes
A selection of 28mm Fantasy Miniatures, including creatures from the Monstrous Lexicon by the Pickled Dragon and the Arcane Library.
Bears Head Miniatures Weird Science
by Philip Hynes
A metal H P Lovecraft and an Einstein Miniature. For gaming and collecting.
Bears Head Miniatures - Fantasy Series 1
by Philip Hynes
A selection of Fantasy Miniatures for gaming and collecting.
Setting: Fantasy
February 2019, Cardiff, UK
February 2019, Cardiff, UK
Narthoks The Excellent!
by Philip Hynes
Bears Head Miniatures present a traditionally sculpted Monster for Wargaming, painting and RPGs.
Bears Head Miniatures - Wilderness Encounters
by Philip Hynes
The aim of this project is to bring to production a selection of fantasy miniatures, with a focus on Wilderness encounters.
Setting: Fantasy
March 2018, Cardiff, UK
March 2018, Cardiff, UK
Bears Head Miniatures. Gallery Series
by Philip Hynes
Campaign to raise funds for the casting of an eclectic selection of miniatures from undead, fantasy, pulp horror by Philip Hynes
Setting: Fantasy, 28mm
September 2017, Penarth, UK
September 2017, Penarth, UK
March of the Dead. 28mm Fantasy Undead Miniatures
by Philip Hynes
A project to bring to production a selection of 28mm fantasy undead miniatures, sculpted by myself.
Setting: Fantasy, 28mm
April 2017, Cardiff, UK
April 2017, Cardiff, UK