Lovecraft Design and Manufacture
Showing 14 cfp
Crowd Funding Projects from Lovecraft Design and Manufacture
Viking Saga
3D Printable STL Miniatures and terrain for Role Playing Games, Tabletop, Wargames, or other RPG
3d print
September 2022, Houston, TX
September 2022, Houston, TX
Dark Alley Adventure
D&D 5e RPG Campaign Supplement and All-In-One 3D Printable STL Miniatures, Terrain for Wargames & Tabletop Games
3d print
May 2022, Houston, TX
May 2022, Houston, TX
Treasure Island
D&D 5e RPG Campaign Supplement and All-In-One 3D Printable STL Miniatures, Terrain for Wargames & Tabletop Games
3d print
February 2022, Houston, TX
February 2022, Houston, TX
Tale Of Two Cities
3D Printable STL Miniatures and terrain for Role Playing Games, Tabletop, Wargames, or other RPG
Setting: Fantasy 3d print
September 2021, Houston, TX
September 2021, Houston, TX
The Frost
3D Printable STL Miniatures and terrain for Role Playing Games, Tabletop, Wargames, or other RPG
Setting: Fantasy 3d print
February 2021, Houston, TX
February 2021, Houston, TX
Desert Adventures
3D Printable STL Miniatures and terrain for Role Playing Games, Tabletop, Wargames, or other RPG
Setting: Fantasy 3d print
November 2020, Houston, TX
November 2020, Houston, TX
Asian Adventures
3D Printable STL Miniatures and terrain for Role Playing Games, Tabletop, Wargames, or other RPG
3d print
September 2020, Houston, TX
September 2020, Houston, TX
Pirates VS Cthulhu
3D Printable STL Miniatures and terrain for Role Playing Games, Tabletop, Wargames, or other RPG
Viking Legends
3D Printable STL Miniature Files and Terrain for your Table Top Role Playing Games. Featuring Viking and Epic Historic Terrain.
Setting: Historical 3d print, 28mm
March 2020, Houston, TX
March 2020, Houston, TX
3D Printable STL Miniature Files and Terrain for your Table Top Role Playing Games. Featuring Gladiators and Epic Historic Terrain.
Setting: Historical 3d print
February 2020, Houston, TX
February 2020, Houston, TX
Riders Of The Storm: Elves, Dwarfs Miniatures and Dragons
3D Printable Scenery and Miniature STL files
Setting: Fantasy 3d print
November 2018, Houston, TX
November 2018, Houston, TX
3D Printable: All Roads Lead to Rome
3D printing digital DragonBite & OpenLOCK STL files. 3D print Miniatures, wargames, RPG, terrain and more with your own 3D printer.
Setting: Historical 3d print
May 2018, Houston, TX
May 2018, Houston, TX
Jungle Fever: Resin cast and 3D printable scenery
Jungle Fever! Resin cast models and 3D printing digital OpenLOCK STL files. For wargames, RPG, terrain, fantasy football, dice tower.
Setting: Fantasy 3d print
January 2018, Houston, TX
January 2018, Houston, TX
Fantasy Football Pro Stadium Scenery and Dice Towers
Fantasy Football Modular Resin Stadiums, compatible with the new(2016) and old 'Blood Ball' pitches. Plus, our very own Dice Towers!
Setting: Fantasy
August 2017, Houston, TX
August 2017, Houston, TX