MaxMini (Poland)

We all should have fun - and we happen to believe that tiny miniatures you can paint and play with are fun! But to have a quality fun time we belive you should get high quality, imaginative miniatures.

We're a bunch of creative people located in Poland with a love tiny for toy soldiers :) . From the very beggining we've focused on bringing quality content - and guess what, that worked! In 2011 we've started delving into coputer aided 3d creation to bring even wilder ideas to life, which followed in 2012 when we bought high res 3d printer for our studio. Combining traditional sculpting with modern tools not only allows us to work on amazingly complex project but turned out to be really cool.


Przemek Jeske (
Kacper Rybinski (
Adam Grabowski - sculptor
Robert Kurek - sculptor

Nothing lasts forever

Posted by Przemas in on November 12, 2019 . .

…ok, I know this is triviality. We’ve been discussing it for the past year and we’ve come to conclusion it is time to close shop with the end of 2019. Till then we’ll operate normally – so we’ll still release a couple of new stuff, the orders will be sent, models printed and so on.
But why you might ask. Shortly after KS some pretty nasty stuff happened to both me and Kacper privately, in a very short time span. Sadly it affected the workshop. While we eventually recovered and got the workshop up and running again the chemistry was gone. We no longer worked as a team and we’ve no longer complemented one another.
Don’t get me wrong – the store and sculpting commissions still bring money. But I don’t feel we’re moving in the right direction and things have been stagnating for the past 2 years. I feel that under new roof, with more energetic team the range could blossom.
Which brings me to good news. My hope is that it won’t be the end of the range. At this point we’re in talks with some local vendors that are interested in picking up the range. And there’s also task for you – if you know someone that might be interested / someone you’d like to take over – let us / them know. The more, the better chance it will find a better home.

At this point I’d like to thank several parties. First of all – you, our customers. Not only for financial support. We’ve got so many amazing emails, fantastic chit-chats during events – it kept us going. Secondly our friends that helped us during tough times – Kuba, Maciek, Artur among others. You guys seriously rock!
Then big shout out goes to our team – we’ve got some fantastic folks over the years. It was awesome to watch your skills blossom and so many times things you provided were way outside regular job tasks.
Then to all the companies we’ve worked with – with notable mention to Rebel, Postindustrial Games, Siren Miniatures, Fragged Empire, Sword Board Games, Wargamer and man others. It was fantastic to work on your models.

Even taking all the rough times into account running was fantastic experience. We’ve loved it and learned so much. I hope we’ll be able to meet during some future projects. While personally I plan to take a break from wargaming related things I enjoy this hobby too much to leave it completely. Keep on happy hobbying!


Maxmini is delighted to announce that we have found a buyer for our range of miniatures so that their production can continue and the range can expand in the future. The Troll Trader parent company of TTCombat is the new owner of our IP and we are pleased to have made a deal with one of the markets most trusted companies. Mulitiple buyers approached us but the passion shown for our designs by the team at Troll Trader and their plans for the future made it an easy choice to work out a deal with them. Considering their show presence worldwide these products will hopefully find their way into the hands of far more gamers than ever before. it is good to know the future of our minis is in good hands.

27 March 2020

Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.
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News from MaxMini (Poland) company

Несколько лет назад польская компания MaxMini объявила о своём закрытии. Потом было объявлено, что всю их продукцию выкупила компания TTCombat и с тех пор никаких новостей не было. И вот в октябре, спустя почти два года, обновлённая компания начала массово выкладывать новые наборы на своём сайте! Причём там не только все миниатюры и битсы предыдущей инкарнации, но и множество новых миниатюр фэнтези сеттинга, в общем количестве уже почти 400шт. Пока никаких заявлений о своей игре на эту тему не поступало. Просто поддержка 8-ки, альтернативные модели или всё-таки своя игра? Надеюсь скоро узнаем.

Persons worked with MaxMini (Poland) ( we know - 41 persons )

Проекты народного финансирования от MaxMini (Poland)

The Green Alliance - scifi WW2 Orc Miniatures
TheGreenAlliance – a full blown sci-fi orcs and goblins army geared up with WW2 US Army inspired equipment.
Setting: Sci-fi, 28mm
September 2014, Warsaw, Poland

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