Charles Agius

3d modeller, painter, conceptualist, company owner
and just a nice person
Conceptualist of 7 miniatures
3d Modeller of 25 miniatures
Painter of 2 miniatures
Owner of the company: Blood Keep Miniatures, CA Sculpts

Digital sculptor/painter, Concept artist and Miniature painter at Blood Keep Miniatures from January 2015 until close and open CA Sculpts.

From a young age I was always amazed by all sorts of art, especially sculpture. The ability to capture a moment in time and be able to reproduce it in three dimensions, making it viewable from every angle, always managed to transport me to that exact same moment and letting me re-live it. I think I can retrace my entry into the sculpting world to the year 2000. I was 12 years old and had just set foot in our local Game Store discovering the world of tabletop wargaming. Although I played the games I was always more interested in the aesthetic side of the hobby – especially converting and kit bashing. The fascination with sculpture grew and I was soon experimenting with different types of media. I learnt how to build armatures and models from scratch. Sculpting became my dream, but to make a living out of it seemed nearly impossible.

I live in Malta, a small island in the Mediterranean and as you may understand, opportunities are always very low. Fast forward to 2008

I was browsing the internet for some reference and bumped into some digital renders. At at the time I didn't know what digital sculpting really was. As you can imagine I started doing my research and quickly discovered Zbrush. My first intention was to do some digital sketches before I do my next clay, but when I started using the software I quickly fell in love and spent days and nights playing with it.

I spent a lot of my time learning on how to get things done by watching video tutorials and taking online courses which lead me to discover that some sort of magic exists to get the sculpt out of the monitor and into my hands... yes I discovered 3D printing! At that moment I knew that this had to be my full time profession but financing was a problem. With the help of my brother Albert and my brother from another mother Andre, we invested in a 3D printer and launched our own brand called Blood Keep Miniatures. This was the perfect opportunity for me to sharpen my skills and therefore I can never thank my brothers enough for believing in me!

From my venture at Blood Keep Miniatures I gained a lot of knowledge as I was doing all the manufacturing process on my own from digital sculpt to 3D printing to mold and cast. Our small venture was quickly started picking up momentum and was getting noticed on the internet. I started receiving requests for commission work and soon there were so many that the most sensible solution was to close Bloodkeep Miniatures and set up CA Sculpts.

To date I have worked with various well known miniature brands and big projects that you might know of. Things are still changing and now I am focusing on partnered projects with companies more than commissions.

​A lot more dreams are still in the pipeline and I continue to work day and night to make them a reality in the near future! Stay tuned by subscribing to the news letter.

Text is from official site.

Location: Qawra, Malta


All information taken from opened resources like person's blogs or pages. If you are Charles Agius - please, contact us to change info!