Brass Lancashire and Birmingham Tokens for Filament Printers (Digital STL file download for Filament Printing)
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Product Information
They will enhance the play experience giving a 3 dimensional and tactile element to your game play. These are the most realistic representations of the Brass Birmingham and Brass Lancashire Industries, Narrow Boats and Steam Trains. They make the board come alive in a way that the flat tiles alone can't achieve and they work in synergy with the flat tiles so that you can still see all the information you need to know for each industry.
Just like the industrial revolution things start small and quickly expand in every direction. You actually build physical industries not just placing card tokens.
The photos represent painted and finished models. How they look when you print them will depend on your printer and how you choose to paint them. Good luck and please upload photos of your finished product.
These tokens are designed to be printed on a filament printer so that the push fit mechanism on the plinths continues to work well after many push fit actions - this does not work as well for resin printers (I am working on another listing specifically for Resin Printers)
Suggested numbers for each game are
Birmingham Industries set comprises (163 pieces)
Industry Token - Brewery x 10
Industry Token - Manufactured Goods x 21
Industry Token - Pottery x 4
Industry Token - Iron Foundry x 9
Industry Token - Coal Mine x 15
Industry Token - Cotton Mill x 16
Industry Token - Coloured Plinth x 72 (18 of each of 4 colours)
Victory Token x 4
Income Token x 4
Small Round Coloured Plinth x 8 (2 in each of 4 colours)
Birmingham Links set comprises (125 pieces)
Link Token - Narrowboat x 31
Link Token - Steam Train x 38
Link Token - Coloured Plinth x 56 (14 in each of 4 colours)
Lancashire Industries set comprises (150 pieces)
Industry Token - shipyards x 3
Industry Token - Iron Foundry's x 6
Industry Token - Ports x 10
Industry Token - Coal mines x 18
Industry Token - Cotton mills x 24
Distant Cotton Marker
Industry Token - Coloured plinth x 72 (18 in each of 4 colours)
Victory Token x 4
Income Token x 4
Small Round Coloured Plinth x 8 (2 in each of 4 colours)
Lancashire Links set comprises (114 pieces)
Link Token - Narrow Boat x 23
Link Token - Steam Trains x 35
Link Token - Link Plinth x56 (14 in each of 4 colours)
Industry Shared set comprises (188 pieces)
Industires for Birmingham and extra tokens needed for use with Brass Lancashire (so that you have one set of industries that can be used for either game)
Industry Token - Brewery x 10
Industry Token - Manufactured Goods x 21
Industry Token - Pottery x 4
Industry Token - Iron Foundry x 9
Industry Token - Coal Mine x 15
Industry Token - Cotton Mill x 16
Industry Token - Coloured Plinth x 72 (18 of each of 4 colours)
Victory Token x 4
Income Token x 4
Small Round Coloured Plinth x 8 (2 in each of 4 colours)
shipyards x3
Ports x10
Coal mines x3
Cotton mills x8
Distant Cotton Marker x1
Full Shared set comprises (313 pieces)
both the Industires and Links sets for Birmingham and extra tokens needed for use with Brass Lancashire (so that you have one full set of Industries and Links that can be used for either game)
Industry Token - Brewery x 10
Industry Token - Manufactured Goods x 21
Industry Token - Pottery x 4
Industry Token - Iron Foundry x 9
Industry Token - Coal Mine x 15
Industry Token - Cotton Mill x 16
Industry Token - Coloured Plinth x 72 (18 of each of 4 colours)
Victory Token x 4
Income Token x 4
Small Round Coloured Plinth x 8 (2 in each of 4 colours)
shipyards x3
Ports x10
Coal mines x3
Cotton mills x8
Distant Cotton Marker x1
Link Token - Narrow Boat x 31
Link Token - Steam Train x 38
Link Token - Coloured Plinth x 56 (14 in each of 4 colours)
Tab sizing :-
- Every filament and printer is unique, so to confirm which size plinths work best with your specific printer and filament or resin combination. follow this process.
- The process is
1 - First print your Industry tokens (using the filament you want for your industries)
2 - then print the Tab sizing chart (using the filament you want for your plinths)
3 - then check which size on the tab sizing chart best fits the tokens
4 - do a test print for your first plinth and check that it fits once more. (using the filament you want for your plinths)
5 - print the rest of your plinths
- The tabs should fit snugly into the hole under the industry and should only separate when you pull them apart.
- The width of the tab ranges from 1.3mm which is the default for my printer / filament combination through to 2.0mm in 0.1mm increments.
Safety Information
Please be aware that this product contains small items and is not suitable for young children.
This product is a scale model and is intended for use by adults and children age 14+.
Take care during use as some products may incorporate sharp edges.
If printed using UV Resin be aware that the products can be brittle and break if dropped.
Further Information
Head over to our Website for help on Printing and Painting some of the Awesome MeepleForge Upgrades
CUSTOMS INFO - Please note that we are based in the UK, therefore please check customs duty limits and fees your Country imposes for parcels from the UK. Check this link for where to puchase locally from our global partners -
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