Displacer Beast - B

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"In the mystical realms, behold the displacer beast! Graceful yet fearsome, it prowls with tentacles sprouting from its shoulders, bending light itself to confound attackers. With fur of deepest blue-black and greenish eyes burning intimidating, it commands both awe and terror. Some speak of larger, more cunning variations, leading their kin in a deadly ballet. From shadowy forests to whispered tales, the legend of the displacer beast mesmerizes all who dare to hear it." - The Displacer Beast

The files come pre-supported and print tested, so all you have to do is to run your printer! Besides that, an unsupported version is included. The mini is separated from the 50mm base so you can scale it to your liking.


Нет описания на русском языке. Любой может его добавить, но пока не дошли руки.

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