Citadel Base Paint Set

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Citadel Base Paints are the foundation upon which a good paint job is built. Whether you’re painting miniatures for display or for the tabletop this paint set is the perfect starting point.

The Citadel Base Paint Set contains 1 Basecoat brush and 11 pots of Citadel paint, including: 1 Leadbelcher, 1 Macragge Blue, 1 Waaagh! Flesh, 1 Bugman's Glow, 1 Mephiston Red, 1 Mournfang Brown, 1 Abaddon Black, 1 Ceramite White, 1 Zandri Dust, 1 Averland Sunset and 1 Balthasar Gold.

New to painting? click the video tab to the right and check out Duncan’s handy painting tutorial. 

Click here to download your free step-by-step guide to applying Base paints.

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Citadel Base Paint Set


Shouldn't the ID number be 99 17 99 50 002 not 001??
Are there different versions?

Hm. I found two versions. Now on GW site there is 002 version. As i see - there is other brush print in it)
Add this to base too.