The Lic - Panda Heavy Tank

i want 
i have 

Intended to replace your Po 60 ton Heavy Tank. 


The Panda was uilt to be an affordable, effective weapons platform, inspired by the historical tanks of early Terra. The sturdy, dependable design has a moderate speed, respectable levels of armour, and an extreme degree of repairability and ease of use that allow it to be a widespread, well loved design. It is a popular choice for those without the funds for better option, or for those worlds who do not need the latest and greatest firepower.

Its weapons array isn't the most fancy, but it still mounts an AC/10 for anti armour roles and a few machine guns for anti infantry roles. 


6mm Scale Battlemech compatible with the most popular mech based tabletop wargames.

Models available cheaper, and earlier, on my patreon at or my tribes here on MMF

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