Doomsday Collection - Siege The Factory And Seize The Doomsday Weapon!

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This purchases includes an incredible amount of epic Dieselpunk miniatures:

- The modular District Army character kit, featuring 41 unique kitbashing pieces

- The modular Iron Acolytes human-robot slaves kit, featuring 28 kitbashing pieces

- An alien character from the Zeki species, acting as a scout on this planet

- Trapjaw, a large alien creature modified with robotic enhancements for war

- The Overseer, an evil inventor with fully robotic spider legs and multiple robotic arms.

- The Desolation Engine - a gargantuan robot miniature that's highly detailed and 220mm tall!

- The Bull APC, a large military vehicle with a plow attached for breaching compounds and two weapon options

- Wallbreaker Artillery Guns - mobile firepower with two different gun options

- The Centurions x 3 - a trio of large melee robots, semi-modular with four weapon options

- The Zavoda Factory Pipeline Terrain Kit - a set of 21 pipe & machine pieces with countless combinations to fill out your tabletop and magnet holes pre-cut!

- Zavoda Factory Scenic bases - 18 miniatures incl. 30mm, 40mm, 60mm and 80mm options. 

The parts are pre-supported for resin printing on build plate sizes like the Elegoo Mars and have been thoroughly print tested! They are ready to simply download and get printing :D


Story of the Doomsday Collection

Zavoda was a bleak place. The site of an uprising decades ago on the outskirts of the megacity of New Haven, and since abandoned to time. It was the perfect location for a factory designed to build nightmares, since no-one could hear the screams or explosions. It was here that The Overseer crafted his Iron Acolytes, an unwilling fusion of man and machine. Once dissenters against The Authority, they now worked for it.

Zavoda Factory was also where the alien power cores had been taken. Authority scouts had discovered a crashed alien ship in the wastelands, and Victor Ivanov had immediately tasked The Overseer to turn the unusual energy into a weapon. It was nothing like the oil and gas that powered the planet, and when harnessed, it would make him unstoppable. The Desolation Engine was almost finished.

The Maslo Group heroes had fought a hard battle at Kovac Station and had captured one of the alien power cores. But after interrogating Ursula Zorn, a grizzled Authority Officer, they learned grim news. Dozens of cores had already made it to Zavoda for use in a project of immense power. 'It will end your pathetic little rebellion and everyone who supported you.' Zorn sneered, 'The Central District is going to burn.'

News of this plan made it to the suppressed workers of the district. Realizing the peril they now faced, every able man and woman united to form the District Army and marched to support the Maslo Group. Together, they hatched a plan to assault the Zavoda Factory and destroy Victor’s weapon. Their fleet of repurposed mining machines turned into APCs, and the Wallbreaker artillery guns would have to be enough. They were going to rain down destruction and hellfire with everything they had!

Unbeknownst to everyone locked into this deadly battle, a new player had arrived on Exosia. The Zeki are a highly advanced alien race and had been perturbed by the loss of a recent shipment of energy cores. Sent alone, Aramak was tracking the energy signature given off by the cells and had come across a sprawling, dank stain of a city, heaving with machinery and belching smoke from great chimneys spanning the horizon. It was disgusting, and the sooner he could retrieve the power cores, the better.

Will the Maslo Group stop Victor before the gargantuan Desolation Engine is powered up? And what does the arrival of the Zeki mean for our once isolated diesel planet?


The full Doomsday Collection was first available on our Patreon channel ( and our Tribes subscription in October 2021. You can get a fantastic discount on all our miniatures by becoming a Tribe member!

Don't forget to check out the rest of the Doomsday collection on our store!

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