Purrleaf eventually evolves into Trappur, an intermediate form marked by greater territorial instincts and more advanced methods of securing prey. This stage is known for orchestrating complex ambushes, often using the surrounding undergrowth to hide traces of its presence. Legends describe how entire sections of forest can become hazardous with barely perceptible traps and hidden vantage points—an arrangement believed to be guided by Trappur’s heightened intelligence and control over its acidic abilities.
Scholars and druids who venture too near a Trappur’s hunting grounds must tread carefully. Some who attempt to forge alliances do so by offering fresh prey or specialized mineral mixtures that nourish the creature’s botanical side. Though rare, such cautious diplomacy might spare wanderers from becoming entangled in Trappur’s trapping techniques. Once it has gorged on enough prey and absorbed sufficient magical essence, Trappur prepares for its final metamorphosis.