Sol'kesh Iculus + 5E Statblock

i want 
i have 

a medium sized subterranean slug mimmicking insect descended from centipedes. in one piece on a 25mm base of cave floor and stalagmites.

Crawling along wet walls in the darkened caves of the Blackwells throughout Sol’Kesh, this flat millipede, though large for an insect,would look unassuming had it not been for the foot long pincers that adorn its head. With these two impressive lengths of chitin, it clasps onto climbing molocks, piercing their furred hide to inject a neurotoxin that quickly inhibits all muscle use while the insect drags its prey back into its light-less crevice. Though found in most underground systems, the icullus is tied to the dark acrid water that runs beneath the earth, their black eggs nestled in the warm bacterial mats that feast on the sulfur-infused environment.

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