Kobold Troopers - Kobold Ground Troops | | Children Of The Flame Part 2, figure by The Dragon Trappers Lodge

Technical info
Set Type: Miniature
Material: Digital
Packaging: Blister
Require assembly: yes
Need to paint: yes
Need to 3d print: yes
State, Dates, Availability
State: Active
Released at: 2 December 2022
Price: $5
Price Date: 28 June 2024
Miniatures in set: 1
Scale: 32mm
Sculpting type: 3D Modelling
Tags: Fighter, Guns, Dragonborn, Ranger, Rogue, Gunslinger, Tommygun, Kobold, Troops, Armor, Army, Barbarian, Dragons, Gun, Machine, Page, Soldier, Spear, one, Captain, Rules, Lizardfolk, Lizardmen, Draconian, Riders, Born, Kobolds, Dargon
Game / Line: Miniatures
Specification: none
Setting: Fantasy
About this set
Official site: link
On Miniset: link
Added by member: Miniset
Added: 2 December 2022