Amongst those invited to defend Britannia in ages past by the Romanii were the Jutes, at first glance little different from the Angelcynn or Seaxans or Friesians that joined them in the time of Henghest and Horsa. Now, in this age of darkness, the corruption of the Jutes is of black renown, for their barrows unleash the dead that knew battle long ago and their hosts embrace shape-shifters of altogether different form, forms of the mounds and the tumuli, forms of the disturbed earth and the cracked rocks. Now, the Jutes have power, power to destroy and to conquer all those who abhor their black land, for even in death do they become stronger.
Jutes Līchlēoth Inv...
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Mierce Miniatures
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Riders of Ceafor Ba...
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Mierce Miniatures
The Lost of Black B...
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Mierce Miniatures