Sisters of Silence

The Sisters of Silence, also known as the Anathema Psykana or Silent Sisterhood, are an ancient, anti-psychic militant order. They are the militant arm of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and are internally referred to as the organization's Departmento Investigates. However, their affiliation with this body is largely symbolic, and in truth they are an autonomous military force answering directly to the Emperor and the Lord Commander of the Imperium. Together with the Adeptus Custodes they represented the Talons of the Emperor, with the Sisters as the left hand of the Emperor. Fragmenting after the Horus Heresy, they were brought back under Imperial control by Roboute Guilliman in M42. Their ranks consist entirely of blanks (also known as untouchables, pariahs and psychic nulls). Their very presence disrupts psychic activity and they are presumed to have been immune to most forms of psychic assault. The main purpose of the Sisters of Silence is therefore to seek out and apprehend psykers.

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