
Companies by categories

We have 2320 "miniatures" companies (and 279415 sets by them) in our database. You can see the full list of companies at the bottom of the page, but it might be easier for you to search among companies by category if you are looking for someone specific.
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Full list of Companies

2Dreamers (18)
3DArtGuy (131)
3dForge (62)
3dHexes (151)
3dWicked (20)
4Ground (1171)
55mm (43)
Abyssoul (13)
ACE Minis (74)
AEG (42)
Alessio (12)
AliceFo (22)
Ankama (1)
Apextech (13)
Arch Crab (16)
Arcknight (55)
Arena Rex (61)
Aronon (135)
Artel TBS (75)
ArtofWar (33)
Arxila (18)
Asmodee (25)
Atlas 3DSS (109)
Avanpost (939)
Axia (38)
Baraka (79)
BasicAid (100)
Beau Geste (110)
Bishok (132)
Black dog (65)


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Companies with grey titles dont have sets yet.
- The information about this company and it's sets is as complete as possible.