Adler began sometimes around 1983 though the idea had germinated a little earlier.
At the time the only Napoleonic figures in 6mm scale were those made by Heroics & Ross. Nice figures but for the life of me I couldn't paint the little devils. A fact made worse by several people at the club who could paint them beautifully!
I was at the time running and designing for Mikes Models so I started to experiment with designing figures in 6mm scale. I soon realised that the H&R figures were as they were because they derived from the WW2 infantry they did. These were very wee skinny fellas because the vehicles at that time were a bit 'squashed ', at the time moulding / casting technology was in its infancy and there was a lot more shrinkage so the vehicles lost a lot of height from top to bottom. Not I hasten to add a problem that H&R stuff suffers from the these days the vehicles casting and moulding are top notch.