Renforcements for Mythos

New miniatures of detectives, New England cops, hybrids and even Shoggot - Spectre Miniatures for its new Mythos game. For those who like twisted plots with a touch of Lovecraft.

Новые миниатюры детективов, полицейских Новой Англии, гибриды и даже Шоггот. Компания Spectre Miniatures пополняет свою новую игру Mythos. Для тех кто любит закрученные сюжеты с примесью Лавкравта.

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Spectre Miniatures

#28mm #White Metal #Digital #Modern


As the world rebuilds after the Great War, the carnage has caused long forgotten dark gods of ancient power to begin to awaken. Those touched by these Old Ones have formed rival cults and now move amongst an unsuspecting world preparing for their Master's return... Down the centuries, humanity has given different names to the notion of drawing upon the power of Mythos. Names such as magic, ...