Victor Aguilar
3d Modeller of 27 miniatures
5 years creating miniatures.
As soon as I saw Zbrush in action I realized that I had to work in digital sculpt, at the beggining I didn´t know how or what, but after my master in CICE with Barruz, the miniature world started to be my main goal. Is interesting, creative, full of options and is almost the only place were you can tell a full story just with an sculpt, so here I am.
First experiences
Just a couple of months after I finished the master and through Barruz I was able to start working for Raging Heroes. That was a really intense experience for someone who hadn´t produced anything before. Learning with them was a great experience and the start of everything. After that Nocturna and Semper Fidelis contacted me and after them many others amking me able to live through my passion and dedicate fulltime to sculpt.
So I think I can say I´m happy after all.
I have working for 5 years creating all kind of figures for different brands as Nocturna Models, Semper Fidelis, Big Child, Reging Heroes, BlackSun, 9th Gate miniatures and many others but I have also my own ideas I want to release at the same time I keep creating the wonderfull ideas that the brands propose me.
Right now and if you are in this web is because of “THE NUN”, my first release. Is a really important step for me that I hope that works well because I would like to keep going with more busts and some other ideas I have for the near future.
3D Modells
Black Sun Miniatures ( 3 )
Ignis art ( 1 )
Lilliput Miniatures ( 2 )
Mindwork Games ( 8 )
Scale75 ( 9 )
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