The Lion God, Champion Of The Arena

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"A fearsome behemoth stands in the centre of the arena, bearing its teeth and emitting ear splitting roars.  Which poor unfortunate will have to face this monstrosity?  Suddenly the bustle at the arena fades as the portcullis slowly opens.  A silhouette becomes visible in the tunnel leading into the arena.  As the figure walks closer, the golden lion mask on his face catches the sunlight. As the crowd realise that their beloved Champion approaches the arena explodes into a glorious cacophony of cheering, applause and praise.  The 'Lion God' thrives on the love of the crowd, but is this mighty beast too big a challenge....?"  

The Lion God gladiator - Champion of the Arena was sculpted as an Exclusive miniature that was released when I first created this miniature range.  All of the resin copies have been sold and the moulds are no longer viable.  The only way you can get this miniature now is to download it here.

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