Palisade Superheavy Mobile Bunker

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The Palisade series are further derivatives of the Broadsword superheavy tanks. The turret structure is removed and replaced with a tall casemate enclosure, while the engine and drive equipment are moved forward from the rear deck and replaced with a large troop bay and open firing platform. These modifications allow the Palisade to transport a small platoon of infantry under protection while supporting them with heavy firepower.

The SHTA.19 A carries a twin superheavy vulcan cannon, firing self-propelled projectiles at high rates for devastating suppressive firepower. The B variant mounts a heavy siege cannon for destruction of enemy fortifications ahead of an assault by its supporting infantry. Finally, the C model mounts a specialized fusion cannon for piercing even the most hardened bunkers.

 Some versions of the Palisade minimize the secondary battery in favor of additional supplies and communications gear to increase operational range. These variants are often used as command vehicles rather than in a pure assault role.

The weapons and modular hull parts have magnet holes in case you want to swap weapons after assembly. You’ll need 3mm (⅛”) x 1mm and  5mm (¼”) x 1mm rare earth magnets if you choose to take advantage of them.

This kit includes the parts needed to build a Palisade Superheavy Mobile Bunker with a variety of optional weapons.

There are three main gun types, and four options each for casemate and subturret weapons.

The side and upper/rear hulls are modular for easy swaps between loadouts, and the kit is compatible with the Pike and Palisade models.

The weapons have magnet holes in case you want to swap weapons after assembly. You’ll need 3mm (⅛”) x 1mm and 5mm (¼”) x 1mm rare earth magnets if you choose to take advantage of them.

This kit is presupported, but also includes unsupported STLs for those who want to print in FDM or would prefer to handle their own supports. If you do not require presupports, the original unsupported version of the Broadsword is still available and free, so get that one instead!

Supports for this model were provided by Yonathan Ho, who goes by Blunticulus on my discord (and elsewhere online). The Plasma Bombard was supported by me.

Due to the large size of some parts and the arrangement of them for optimal printing, the presupported objects may not be compatible with some smaller printers. An example of one of the largest objects in this set is 111x105x84mm.

If you feel inclined to support my work (and get access to previews of upcoming work and voting rights to future model options), you may do so here:

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