28mm character figures for the English Civil War and Thirty Years War. For wargamers and collectors.
This, in the immortal words of Saruman (in the LOTR movies anyway), is an army built for a single purpose: To complement the extensive 28mm ECW ranges from Bicorne Miniatures and Renegade Miniatures, with a new range of character figures in a matching style and stature. They're the handiwork of Nick Collier - original sculptor of the Bicorne and Renegade ECW ranges.
Those existing excellent ranges contain huge numbers of rank and file models in a variety of drill-type poses - perfect for recreating big battles set in that era, but perhaps slightly less well suited to the minor scrimmages, sieges, raids and sallies which were actually more typical of warfare in this period.
Bloody Miniatures complement these existing ranges perfectly. Adding a dash of personality to cherished ECW or TYW collections, or offering small, distinctive forces for skirmish games.