Zach Weisman

Company owner
and just a nice person

Owner of the company: Guildhall Studios

Zach Weisman is the Lead Designer and co-founder of Guildhall Studios. He grew up surrounded by games and has been working as a designer for over ten years. His first game, Got ‘Em, was released in 2007. At Harebrained Schemes, he worked as a designer for Golem Arcana and its expansions and worked on Shadowrun Returns as well. At Calliope Games, he led the development of the Titan Series as the in-house Lead Designer, collaborating with designers such as, Richard Garfield, Eric Lang, Paul Peterson, and more. He also designed Menu Masters and Adorable Monsters while developing the Titan Series.

All information taken from opened resources like person's blogs or pages. If you are Zach Weisman - please, contact us to change info!