Guhm, The Candle Golem

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Guhm, the Candle Golem, was created by a powerful wizard who was fascinated by the power of fire. But as the wizard became more and more obsessed with his creation, he began to neglect his other magical experiments, leaving them unfinished and unguarded. That was when the witch Mordreda entered the wizard's tower, seeking out the powerful magic that was being crafted within. She discovered Guhm, and recognizing the golem's immense power, she decided to make him her own.

Mordreda and Guhm became inseparable companions, traveling deep into the dark dungeons and subterranean caverns, searching for arcane knowledge and powerful artifacts. Guhm would light their way with his flickering candles, while Mordreda would use her dark magic to protect them from harm. But as their adventures continued, Mordreda began to notice something strange happening to Guhm. His candles, once bright and steady, began to flicker and wane, and his waxen body grew softer and more pliant. It seemed as though the golem was being drained of his energy and life force, and Mordreda suspected foul play.

Together, Mordreda and Guhm delved deeper into the dungeons, seeking out the source of the dark magic that was draining the golem's power. Eventually, they discovered a group of shadowy figures, working to siphon off the energy from Guhm's candles and use it to fuel their own dark purposes. With Mordreda's help, Guhm was able to overcome these shadowy enemies and reclaim his power, becoming once again a powerful and loyal companion to the witch.

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Étiquettes: , Candlegolem

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