44th Strathcarnage and Killmore Regiment is a hard fighting veteran set of battalions from Joccia: The Furty Fairth, Big Joccian Kilted Rat Infantry. They battle the Elves in Catalucia. Armed with Bessie Muskets and classed as Infantry.
Here are your choices for Flintloque (Skirmish) and Slaughterloo (Unit) players from this 28mm metal miniatures code:
56502 Eight Miniatures - Skirmish Pack
(Eight Big Joccians including Officer with Sword, Bagpiper, Standard and multiples of three poses of Trooper with Musket).
56502-U Twenty Miniatures - Unit Pack
(as 56502 with added mixed Troopers).
56502-T One Miniature - Trooper Booster
(one random trooper pose from 56502).
These miniatures are supplied without bases and are supplied unpainted. You have the option of purchasing a skirmish pack as outlined or a unit pack as outlined or a single trooper booster for sampling or extending your existing forces. If you purchase multiple single random troopers we will supply as many different poses of trooper as the code contains before we repeat a pose in your order. All these miniatures are from this code and only the number supplied varies by choice. Select your option on this page. Assembly is required with most miniatures.