Regiments D-Day - Anvil Digital Forge June 2021

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What's Included
The entire Anvil Digital Forge Patreon release for June 2021, including;

The Commander and the Captain

1 x Male D-Day Commander body with medals and ceramonial sash (as separate shells).
1 x Commander head with a 3-Star Lieutenant General's M1 Helmet.
1 x Commander "Swagger Stick" in hand.
1 x Commander arm with hand holding binoculars (separate shells).
1 x Commander arm with hand in formal salute pose (separate shells).
2 x Male D-Day Captain bodies with extra armour embazened by stars and an USAF M1 helmet with M3 gasmask (separate shells). 
-- One Captain body has their Arm holding a Thompson SMG and a star-studded baseball bat slung on their back (separate shells).
-- Other Captain body has their Arm holding a star-studded baseball bat and a Thompson SMG slung on their back (separate shells).
3 x Different Shields with stars. These fit over the wrist of any infantry model. 
1 x Star-Studded baseball bat.

8 x Heads featuring M1 helmets. (4 Male, 2 Female, 2 with M3 Gasmasks).
6 x Upper bodies with integrated M3 gasmasks. (4 Male, 2 Female).
2 x Torsos with chest armour plates (1 Male, 1 Female). 
6 x Pairs of legs in US army fatigues and gaiters. (4 Male, 2 Female).
4 x Pairs of arms wielding Thompson SMGs. (3 Male, 1 Female).
1 x Thompson SMG as a stand alone weapon.
1 x Pair of Female arms wielding a 1912 Winchester shotgun.
1 x 1912 as a Rifle-Stock joint compatable front end.
1 x Pair of Male arms wielding a M1919 Browning machine gun modified into a "Stinger" configuration (separate shells).
1 x Pair of Male missile launcher arms and an Anti-Tank M1 Bazooka, including stand alone rocket (compatible with any of our Missile Launcher arm joints.)
2 x Pairs of arms wielding the M2A1 flamethrower (these are integrated into D-Day torsos - 1 Male, 1 Female - but are separate shells, and can be overlayed on other torsos before printing if desired.)
2 x Engineer heads with welding shields, one flipped up and the other flipped down
3 x Engineer arms with the option of multiple different pieces of equipment;
-- Wire Cutters held in hand (separate shells). Also a stand alone folded version.
-- Flare Gun held in hand (separate shells).
-- Bundle of TNT sticks held in hand (separate shells).
-- 2 sections of Bangalore torpedo held in hand.
-- 2 sections of Bangalore topedo resting over integrated arm and shoulder.
2 x Pouches, 1 x Thompson magazine pouch, 1 x Canteen, 1 x Knife, 1 x M2 "Pineapple" Grenade. 
6 x Sets of mixed pouches, grenades, knives and canteens in pre-configered arrangements.

13 Pieces of D-Day Terrain including;

10 x Concrete Barricades in various stages of destruction (pre-hollowed).
1 x Infantry Bunker with removable roof.
1 x Infantry Bunker with Heavy Weapons joint compatable platform.
1 x Destroyed Infantry Bunker.

Are the Parts Presupported?
Yes. Each STL file comes with a pre-made support structure included as a separate shell where appropriate.

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