The Cerdorion Tray

i want 
i have 

Cerdorions are knights in the service of King Uther.One of their assignments is to patrol the fields of the kingdom of Argor on horseback, fighting creatures that threaten the borders.

Cerdorion means "Knight of Cerridwen" in Argor dialect.

Any son of Argor can become a Cerdorion, but they must dedicate themselves to the Goddess Cerridwen, and undergo an ordeal that includes a journey through the cave of mysteries of yore and an oath that serves as a rigid moral line for these knights.




- One terrain miniature for FDM printing in 32mm scale. 

For 28mm, resize to 87,5%. For 75mm, resize to 234%. 


This terrain is part of the Cerdorions army, from the Wargame Campaign, by Alavar Miniatures.


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