Mini Reed Ships for Imhotep
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Product Information
These ships are designed to be used with Imhotep: Builder of Egypt, and are available for instant download to be printed at home on a resin or filament printer.
They are the most realistic representations of the Imhotep Ships available and make the board come alive in a way that the flat card ships can't achieve.
The set includes an optional 5 and 6 player models for the optional 5 and 6 player rules. Download the 5 and 6 player rules from here
The standard set includes 12 highly detailed models, which replace the cardboard tokens that come with the game including:
- 1 block capacity reed ship
- 2 block capacity ship (x2 needed for game)
- 3 block capacity ship (x3 needed for game)
- 4 block capacity ship (x2 needed for game)
- 5 block capacity ship (optional for the 5 and 6 player expansion)
- 6 block capacity ship (optional for the 5 and 6 player expansion)
- Player 1 Supply Sled (with 5 block capacity)
- Player 2 Supply Sled
- Player 3 Supply Sled
- Player 4 Supply Sled
- Player 5 Supply Sled (optional for the 5 and 6 player expansion)
- Player 6 Supply Sled (optional for the 5 and 6 player expansion)
Safety Information
Please be aware that this product contains small items and is not suitable for young children.
This product is a scale model and is intended for use by adults and children age 14+.
Take care during use as some products may incorporate sharp edges.
If printed using UV Resin be aware that the products can be brittle and break if dropped.
Further Information
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