Scenery Hex Edge Jungle
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Product Information
These models are not an official Memoir44 product.
These Jungle models have been designed to be placed along the front edge of a hex on the Memoir 44 board.
NOTE** Due to the nature of the width of these models, if printed in resin they may be more susceptible to breaking if dropped
Included models
- Jungle Hex Edge#1
- Jungle Hex Edge#2
- Jungle Hex Edge#3
- Jungle Hex Edge#4
Sizes are designed to fit the Memoir 44 board
Safety Information
Please be aware that this product contains small items and is not suitable for young children.
This product is a scale model and is intended for use by adults and children age 14+.
Take care during use as some products may incorporate sharp edges.
If printed using UV Resin be aware that the products can be brittle and break if dropped.
Further Information
Head over to our Website for help on Printing and Painting some of the Awesome MeepleForge Upgrades
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