Vivrathk Aggression
Fire Plague Fighter
Size (Bounding Box, Sprue/Base): 22.55mm x 25.55mm x 8.93mm (7.15mm x 4.85mm x 4.85mm individually)
Scale: Fleet (very nominally 1:1500th)
Supports: Not available at this time, sorry.
Mounting: 12 models on a sprue-slash-base for printing. The base may be removed afterwards, but can also serve as a base in and of itself.
Scaling Notes: Yellow. Parts potentially affected by scaling: Thin parts.
Photo of VPN print (Shapeways), not on sprue/base.
Entirely Optional Lore Entry (in lieu of PDF):
Fire Plague Fighter
The Fire Plague is a well armed fighter. It has average shields and manoeuvrability, but relies on eight blaster cannons as it's armament. Fire Plagues are dangerous in large numbers, and also are quite adept in the anti-missile role. As they have no disposal munitions, they function at full efficiency for a longer period. However, this means their anti-capital ship effectiveness relies on weight of numbers wearing the target down.