Neritisha - Guardian Of The Coast

i want 
i have 

A spirited soul and friend to all who live above or below the waves, Neritisha has kept a watchful eye over the Port of Panthelluria for the last century or so. The residents themselves are harmless enough in the broad scheme of things. The location of the Port however is one of strategic value and a centre for trade for hundreds of miles along the northern coast. Most of the hearty folk who live there are content to go about their day and kick their feet up after a hard days work at ‘The Rowdy Flagon,’ unaware of the darker beings that loom to the south past the old forests. But Neritisha’s watchful eyes see all. Her loyal friend Ershodjo, fastest of the ancient water serpents, acts as commander of those under the sea, while she remains closer to the coast itself and its mighty rivers. Keeping in touch with those who remember the past of their lands and are ready to answer the call… should the need arise.

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